Lunch Boxes

During all my years of school I've only had one lunch box. It looked like a V.W. Bus. It was cool. I've only seen one and I had it.
Most of the time I just brought my lunch to school in a recycled bag from a Garden State Farms store. These bags were insulated for ice cream sales. They had elaborate illustrations of farms and cows on the bags.
I do remember there were lunch box snobs that got a new lunch box every year. I was very content with my bags and the infusion of my V.W. Bus lunch box in the 5th grade, while other kids got a box in tribute to their favorite TV show that was usually off the air by the end of the school year. It was a case of planned obsolescence and I wanted no part of it. I knew that V.W. bus was a timeless image. I wonder if that lunch box is still in my mother's basement.
I can just imagine you taking the above pictured lunch box to school. I'll bet that would have cause a bit of a stir! Hee hee hee... These days i use an insulated fishing tackle box for my dinner. Nothing as fun as cats doing it, tho.
I had a Roadrunner and Wile E. COyote lunchbox when I was a tyke. I also recall having a snoopy lunchbox as well. The cool girls had the Partridge Family, David Cassidy or Bobby Sherman. I had cartoon characters (but at least they Roadrunner and Snoopy outlasted the Cassidy's or that Sherman)
Davy Crockett lunch bucket was popular when I was in primary grades...cant remember some of the others I the northwest you got a new one every year because they were of such low grade ferrous metal that they usually rusted out, from the inside, by the time the next school year rolled around
I don't recall what any of my lunchboxes looked like, but I got on Ebay and did a search for VW bus lunchbox and found one for $399. Is that like yours? If so, you'd better go hunt around in your mom's basement.
Darev, I bet no one would have noticed it, but it sure would have been funny.
Anon, imagine what they'd be worth today.
Anon2, I bet they did rust out here pretty quickly. There should have been an undercoating.
Donna, that was the one. Wow, if only I looked at it as an investment back then...
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