Wednesday, September 08, 2010

Is There An Economic Reality?

Being September one can smell hints of autumn in the air. Also the air is scented with the up-coming political season. I always find it funny how people think it is scandalous when a politician can not answer a simple questions such as "What is the price of milk?" I do most of the shopping at our house and I couldn't tell you the price of most of the things I purchase. So in the political scene candidates are sharpening their skills all over the country today memorizing the price of milk.

I do find it charming when some people haven't a clue about the price of things. I was standing around a camp fire last night talking with a fellow that is probably 15 years my senior. We were talking about hair cuts. I just got one last week and he confirmed he has been cutting his own hair since he got out of the service in the 60s. He said to me something like, "I'd bet a person has to pay $5 to get a hair cut these days." He was somewhat shocked when I told him that a $10 cut could still be found around here, but $12 is more the norm.

Funnier still are people reading this who live in bigger cities where I imagine one will pay $15 to $30 for a cut. I guess everyone is out of touch with the reality of others.


Blogger JustRex said...

I found a good place where they know what i want in a haircut when I walk in the door. They charge 12 and I always tip 3 dollars so it costs me 15 bucks once a month or so. I thought about buying one of those home clipper sets with the guides and having my wife cut my hair and saving some money. The set I wanted wasn't too expensive... only 40 dollars and I was all set when the wife flat refused to cut my hair. She's afraid to screw it up. Hell, I keep it so short now you couldn't hardly screw it up but she still refuses. Hell, she won't learn how to do tattoos, either! Man! All of my economizing ideas go right down the drain around here...

7:02 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I know a guy whos bald on top and keeps it short around the sides... so how hard a cut can that be? But he pays $75, plus tip, to someone he says cuts "famous" people's hair. Never understood that.

9:08 AM  
Blogger Trop said...

Here in East Jesus they charge less for a mullet.

9:39 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I haven't had my hair cut in over 25 yrs.

7:30 PM  
Blogger The Guy Who Writes This said...

Darev, maybe she would screw it up...

Anon, I guess he wants to be famous for robbing people without a gun.

Trop, and for that they should. You are too funny...

Anon, either you are bald or really hairy.

5:49 AM  

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