Forgotten Works
Beth recently had a post where she wrote:
“…tinker, tailor,
soldier, sailor,
rich man, poor man
beggar-man, thief
doctor, lawyer
indian chief…..
(And tax accountant, investment advisor, etc., etc.)
Dealt with them all last Friday.”
That describes a busy day, but it got me thinking about forgotten professions or professions that have evolved into something else.
Let’s review these forgotten professions or titles:
A Tinker is someone who mends pots and metal objects.
A Haberdasher is someone who deals in clothing for men.
A Cobbler is someone who repairs shoes.
A Cooper is someone who makes or repairs casks and barrels.
A Liveryman is someone who cares for a stable of horses.
A Black Smith did iron work, wagon building, wagon wheel making and horseshoeing. Now a farrier does horse shoeing, and black smiths work mostly in iron and forge work.
A Teamster was someone who drove teams of horses or oxen to transport goods or people. Now they are what we call truck drivers but their union name continues with the historic affiliation.
A Thatcher is someone who roofs structures with bundles of grasses.
Does anyone have any others they’d care to share?
A who shrubs
A Wainwright is a wagon maker
A Shingle Weaver makes shingles
Actually ... a Blacksmith was expected to be able to handle any iron/steel work. Though most people only think in terms of horseshoeing and wagon wheels; a blacksmith also handled firearm repair/customizing, farm implements, axes/knives/swords ... and anything else iron/steel that needed work.
And barbers ... in the true spirit of adventure ... also handled dentistry and surgery. Sometimes also being the town mortician. Which, I guess, could be right handy. Accidentally kill a patient, just slip 'em to the back of the shop for a casket.
What about Knights? The English, at least, still grant titles of Knighthood. But when was the last time you saw one of these Knights in a suit of armor?
A scullery maid (the lowest servant in the kitchen staff) - which has evolved over time to become (primarily) a wife and mother.
Leave us not forget the invaluable service provided by eunuchs over the centuries nor the epic performances by the castrati.
Auntie. kind of like a gofer...
FLee, I'd be willing to bet you've had both those jobs.
Walt, Sir Elton John dresses up like that every now and then. Paul McCartney should.
Beth, I had that in my first edit of the article, but removed it so as not to provoke oppressed homemakers.
Jack, I did an article on that a while back
How long you think "blogger" will last in the lexicon?
Matt, For me, until I run out of content, so it's good at least until February 8 because I only have seven articles in the bank right now.
Cooper --
One that makes or repairs wooden barrels and tubs.
Bpaul, that was 4th on the list. You are reading too fast.
And so goes my first comment upon awakening.
Didnt there used to be all sorts of jobs related to fishing that are gone now? i dont know the lexicon but they would be people that worked in the caneries or made boats or nets that sort of thing. shouldnt that kind of thing be recorded at the maritime museum?
Oh yes, there were people who were known as Master Baiters, but that job changed its job description years ago.
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