Town Slut

I have reservations about writing on this topic, but I'm hoping to clear the air for those who have ever been falsely accused.
Sunday we talked about the Town Drunk. Today I’d like to address the Town Slut. Usually the Town Slut isn’t a slut at all. This is often a title given by rumor by someone that was jilted. In my home town this designated person was called Mahwah Mary. I knew Mary. She was a couple years older than I. She was shy and mousy and even if she ever had a promiscuous moment it was nothing compared to the popular girls really deserving of the title. The name Mahwah Mary was still in use when I moved away nearly twenty years after I first heard that name. The name had transcended to a legendary moniker. I sincerely hope that no one remembers who first held the title. Guarding ones reputation often has the opposite effect.
I was recently having a discussion about the local names for town sluts. I’m curious what names the readers here have come across for the local girl, supposedly gone bad.
My first thought took me to Eagleville again: my parents often talked in hushed tones about the woman who owned the local diner. Seems she had to be promiscuous, because she was (shock) divorced.
Then I thought back some 25 years to a young neighbor who had 3 babies in fairly quick succession that the youngsters called "fertile Myrtle".
THEN I recalled a young girl my son, as well as most of the boys in high school, dated. Cliff called her "loose Lulu" and trust me, she earned the title. She came up pregnant and submitted three names of boys it might have been, and none of them were the father.
in my wee town, I don't remember such a person. There were several women though that wore the title of "jilted" - one I remember from when I was very young was an old woman named Amy. She would walk the streets all made up, as if she was still young and it was her wedding day. Until she was about 70ish. Lots of rouge and lipstick, you get the idea. She never had another man, I don't beleive and probably stayed true to the bastard until she passed away. Definitely touched in the head. I think the 'town pumps' used to live one town over, actually.
Oops, I neglected to mention that "Fertile Myrtle's" babies each had a different dad.
slut is such a loaded term. usually the most promiscuous girls are those who feel completely horrible about themselves. and they're not usually the prettiest or most outgoing. usually it's not even about sex at all - just a desperate need to be loved/paid attention to.
note, i said USUALLY. there are exceptions to every rule.
men can sleep around hither and yon and it's usually that he's just a player. that kind of disparity makes me angry, because unfortunately those labels tend to follow a woman - and it's the only thing that people tend to remember about her, whether the title was "deserving" or not.
i had a friend in high school who gave her boyfriend a BJ during one of our classes. granted, it was a stupid thing to do, but he told everyone! by the time lunch rolled around she'd been branded as easy... she left at the end of the semester. and when people ask me about her, even 20 years later, that's the first thing they recall about her.
you mean Whore-inton?
Way back when, we had Margie “Readi-for-‘em” – a play on her last name which I will not reveal.
AND, she was actually a very nice girl!
Q) What do Finnish girls put behind their ears to attract men? A) Their ankles.
I heard that from a very nice Finnish girl so it was all in fun, no offence.
And for some strange reason, it's usually the girls that won't or wouldn't that get the tag hung on them by some small minded (etc) guy. I came from too many towns to remember any one specific one.
Uh way I'm falling for that trickery trying to beef up your blackbook.
Donna, the name very well implied the several fathers of the several children.
Auntie, yes we discussed the other town one. Funny name; I wish I could use it here.
Dalia, guys that age don't deserve physical contact.
Anon 1 & 2, you got that right, but Warrenton goes beyond being a slut being that it is making money while screwing the North Coast.
Beth, Poor Margie.
Anon, I've never pictured the Fins as being flirtatious at all. I picture them as quiet, church going people. I haven't been here long enough to see that side of them.
Darev, though you must see that it is an entire industry to name them.
Moose, I was expecting you to post the joke about the Canadian whores and hockey players.
Nah...that's an oldie but a goodie though. One of my favorites...older couple crossing the border into U S. "The" wife in the passenger seat is hard of hearing. Border guard asks where they are heading. Husband says New Jersey. Whaaaaaaaat??? from the passenger seat. Husband says he asked where we are heading. Border guard asks how long they are going to stay. Husband says a couple of weeks. Whaaaaaat? from the passenger seat again. Husband answers he asked how long we are staying. Border guard asks where they are from. Husband answers Kapuskasing (same town as the hockey players/whore joke). Border guard says he once knew a woman from there and she was the biggest slut in town. A for real town bike. Whaaaaat?? from the passenger seat again. Husband answers...he thinks he knows you......
Before I quit drinking?
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