Tuesday, April 15, 2008

Nemo Found

After I posted the piece last week on abandoned buildings, Nemo wrote me and sent me the two photos in this article. I asked his permission to repost these photos and what he wrote me. I give you Nemo:

---been enjoying the Rust blog, thought you might like to see this photo of an abandoned Lighthouse/Rangelight that used to stand around where the current Nygaard's sorting yard is between Warrenton and Hammond or, as the oldtimers call it,"Flavel"...it was a great place...the rooms were stacked on top of each other and you went up ladders through the kitchen, sleeping room to get to the top where a great unobstructed view of the lower river and town could be had...spent many a happy hour up there with friends and girls-smoking things and having fun...it was sad for the locals when it was knocked down sometime in the 1970s...

Another great place was an Army observation tower that was on the ridge behind Bob Strickland's place opposite the Country Club... when you got to the top of that one there was a fantastic view of the ocean, Clatsop Plains and the River Mouth...all that's left of that one is the tall concrete pillar that supported the wooden structure built around it...you've probably seen the surviving pillar..the wooden part was demolished for being an attractive hazard some years ago....Another great one is the secret underground Army radar or(?) right up on top of Tillamook Head...left over from WWII, it's built as stout as Battery Russell and probably will be there forever or until The Head falls into the ocean.


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