Saturday, August 23, 2008

Socks Revisited

Life is good! It seems that someone from Costco read my desperate plea a few weeks back and they are now stocking my favorite socks early this year. I don’t have to wait until November. I know Beth was particularly concerned and wanted me to write when I started stocking up.

Though cash is very tight these days, I score a three pack every time I go in. I make an eleven dollar weekly investment. I know it isn’t as cool as having an addiction to lottery tickets, crack or pain killers, but man, these socks really get me going. I can now put my white Costco socks with the gray heel and toe deep in the sock drawer and wear the full gray wooly looking socks again full-time. As I said, Life is good.


Blogger Beth said...

Great news. I can now remove "Guy re: socks" from my To Do list.
We should never underestimate the ability of a well-fitting pair of socks to make life "good." It's those little things...

5:40 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Ahhh, Costco socks. Hubs LOVES them. He just picked up a pack a couple weeks ago. They feel so cushy when they are new. They make his feet happy!

11:10 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I gotta tell ya, the older I get the more important good comfy socks become. I was born (several years ago) with a birth defect that left me with me real high arches. I wore size 10 shoes from the time I was about 14 until just last year. All of the sudden when I went to buy new work boots I was wearing an 11-1/2! No wonder my shoes were hurting my feet. It seems my arches are finally collapsing and making my feet longer. The bones in my feet are rearranging. Now they hurt all the time and good comfy socks are the only thing make me feel better. I work at a job where I am standing on concrete floors or running up and down steel stairs all day long. If it weren't for comfy socks I wouldn't make it through the day.

3:02 PM  
Blogger The Guy Who Writes This said...

I will buy them until they are no longer available. They do have some good bounce to them.

8:40 AM  

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