
Darev recently mentioned two people he was hoping to reconnect with. The wide use of Facebook makes these opportunities more possible now, but there are still some holdouts out there.
I reconnected with someone who I loved dearly twenty-five years ago. Though times are different and both our lives have totally changed since we last saw one another we still have twenty-five years ago like we’ll always have Paris.
Oddly, one of my nephews got a call from the daughter of another friend I had for the last ten or so years before I left New Jersey. She asked if he had my contact information. Being an attorney, he didn’t want to give it out without my permission, so after contacting me he got the OK to do so.
So the other night I got a call from my friend who now lives in upper New York State. He is thirteen years older than me and when we were friends back then he had a wife and four girls; a real family man. I am now surprised his wife tolerated my presence because he and I were always doing something and up to something. I’d drag him out fishing, or out on the snow mobiles, or out horseback riding, or driving my Jeep into areas where no vehicle should ever come back in one piece. He was a pal, a friend, someone to hang out with. We did a lot of crazy things and I have never since connected with anyone on that level.
We reminisced about our adventures and what we are doing now. He’s had some health issues, but he still sounds the same, just a bit more worn, but so am I. As our phone conversation came to a close, he finally told me that the reason he called was to see if I was still alive. He said he didn’t have much hope for my survival considering all the crazy shit I did and the chances I took back in the day. He brought up specific incidences that I had for the most part forgotten. As I thought of them I had to agree. It’s a wonder I’m still alive.
OK, I know you are all nosy, but one was when I decided to drive everywhere in reverses at legal speed one night. Another was SCUBA diving into this dark well house in a lake to unplug a pipe that could have easily sucked me in had I succeeded. And there was the time I was shooting a black powder pistol in my basement and the shot ricocheted and hit me in the stomach. Another time was when I decided to drive my jeep up or down every set of stairs I could find. There are a lot incidents I’m leaving out since I’m unsure of the statute of limitations for certain offences in New Jersey and New York.
My conversation with him makes me want to go back east for a visit.
yess sir ree bob: you are lucky to be alive!
And : your description of artichoke eating and preperation was right on! good job Guy
the loop
Wow, you WERE a risk-taker. You lived through all that, and you're an atheist?
I kid. Kinda.
You could create blog posts for each of those crazy stunts from your youth – they’d make for some fascinating reads.
And, yeah, you’re very lucky to be alive but aren’t we all?
Beth, I was thinking the same thing, he wasted some 'blog-fodder' all in one paragraph that could have yeilded 5 or 6 whole posts!
Guy....back East! DO IT! Go see your Mother!
I too, am getting to that age where the predominant look on my mug is one of surprise. Especially when I reminisce. I remember one evening where a friend of mine got so toasted that he lit three road flares and juggled them in the back yard. Successfully. And to this day he swears he does not know how to juggle. Of course, now that I'm a "role model" I deny any of that crap. Hoo... the stories... yikes!
You have no right to ever complain about any young persons apparent lack of judgment. You certifiable loon. I mean that in the nicest way possible of course.
Well I for one, am shocked!! Good to hear though. This means I am not THAT much crazier than you. :)
yeah.. i want to party with that Guy.
oh and... i am still holding out.
no facebook - no way no how.
Loopy, it was skill that kept me going.
Donna, Yep those things made me realize there was no god, other wise there would have been some sort of divine intervention to stop me.
Beth and Auntie I did,
and maybe
and who could forget
Darev, that sounds like a "Hold my
beer" story.
Anon, Of course I can complain, that all I have to look towards as I get older.
Tango, that was 30 years ago, you you may be the present title holder, and having a tat of the name of your car may push you over the top.
Weese, but you live in Connecticut. That sort of behavior isn't tollerated there. And if you come to facebook, I will include you in my circle, which are are all fellow rust readers.
Guy, I would have been shotgun in the car next to you with my head out the window howling like there was no tomrrow.
Nulaanne, I'll let you know the next I'm up in the Sound area. I want to see what you are made of.
Tango, I love ya anyway.
nice try...not gonna happen
CT is so on the grid... we sorta lie low...just underneath it.
I would love it Guy.
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