Sick Day XXXV

I’m sick of guys with Pony Tails. Yes, I had one for years and cut it off about five years ago. My problem with them is if long hair is so cool, why do they have to tie it back all the time? They don’t look good, cool or clean. They turn a full head of hair into a mullet.
If they think this makes them unique they should look around and see all the other social misfits they emulate. There’s all sorts of rebels that look just like them right down to the sweat pants and the dirty hats. You think you look dangerous? You look like a douche.
And ladies, next month's Sick Day will be dedicated to you.
I feel the same way about bald guys with goatees. They all look exactly the same. Trying to look dangerous and it just makes them look like bad guy wannabe's.
P.S. I really hate those sick day pictures, btw.
"I feel the same way about bald guys with goatees."
Amen...the shaved head, goatee and earring (coupled w/the obligatory tatoos) look leaves me in near wretch mode--come to think of it the older I get the less I like to look at people in general(unless they're females 'tween the ages of, oh, 18 and 40)-I cant even stand to look at myself in a mirror or, in passing a shop window, seeing my reflection--the man looking back at me is some old desicated and grey haired ghost. Bah...also not high on my favorite looks list are double bellied fat women with huge butts in stretch pants.
Darev, you don't like the photos because it reminds you of work.
Anon, Don't hold back... ; )
I can hardly wait till the next sick day. However, since I am such an abnormal lady, I'd be very surprised if the sick day has anything to do with me.
Donna, I know for a fact you have nothing to fear.
i think darev is wrong about the bald and goatee. without a facial hair, bald guys look embryonic--or cancer-stricken.
i think darev is wrong about the bald and goatee. without a facial hair, bald guys look embryonic--or cancer-stricken.
I don't like head shaving. Something weird about it...maybe my lack of discipline to do it.
you still have some hair. you don't qualify.
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