Saturday, August 28, 2021

Covid 45

 Oddly, of all the ways to die I have never personally known anyone who has drowned.  On the the hand I know a great many people who have taken their own lives.  To me it is a sad and lonely exit for which I initially feel deep sorrow and pity, but then I get angry over each occurrence, as do most people.  I suppose it is a competitive selfish factor.  Their selfish desire to be removed from existence is competition with my selfish desire for everyone I know to live happily ever after, even though we are no longer close friends.

Until today I had not personally known anyone who died from Covid.  I find that I am pissed off about it because in this case it was totally preventable and in my book it seemed to be akin to suicide.  I don't know why they didn't get vaccinated, but I suppose it came from a misguided political leaning.  

Nothing could possibly be pleasant leaving life behind in this way.  I feel enormous sadness for their close friends and family that they are leaving behind.

Seriously, this is really bad, and resisting doing something about it is potentially going to spread this sort of sadness to everyone you know and everyone who cares about you.  Please consider sneaking away to your pharmacy and getting a Covid shot.  No one will ever know.  If you do it will hasten life getting back to normal for everyone.  You can continuing hating Biden and continue driving around with your Trump flag and your Timberstupidity stickers.  Just do yourself and humanity this one little kindness and all may be well again. 


Blogger Donna. W said...

Well said. My oldest grandson wasn't a trumper, but he didn't think covid was any worse than the flu. Then he got Covid; even though he didn't have to be hospitalized and was back to work in two weeks, he tells everybody he had never been so miserable in his life and will get the vaccine at the allotted time. There's a certain waiting period if you've had covid and then get the vaccine. A man who works with him taunted him, saying, "Well, you didn't die, did you? You're OK now. So no big deal." That man is now in the hospital fighting for his life.

3:30 AM  
Blogger said...

Donna, I'm glad you didn't lose a loved one and I hope his story and this post will encourage at least one person to change their mind and do the right thing.

7:43 AM  
Anonymous Auntie L said...

Well said, Guy x

3:42 PM  

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