A Wedding in New Jersey

OK, I can see you all getting tired of my New Jersey series so I will eliminate the one I planned to run tomorrow. If anyone really wants to read it I will email it to you upon request.
Today I will close this New Jersey series with a wedding. I was a dopey 21 year-old when I got married for the first time. I’m still dopey at 54, but I was especially dopey at 21. It was a church wedding with a reception in a rented hall at a local lodge. There were tuxedos, brides maids, the whole nightmare works.
We hired a local band for the wedding. As you may know most wedding bands are assembled of musicians that happen to have the day open for each event. They don’t have the same members from week to week. You tell one person or agent what you want and how much you want to pay and they get some musicians together for what you want.
The band I hired covered all the pop tunes from 1976 along with jazz standards and wedding standards. They were good and tight and earned their pay. There was one song that was striking, simply because it was very un-wedding like. It wasn’t really a danceable tune, but I liked it. I never got the chance to ask about it, but a few months later I heard it on the radio. It was a new release from Dean Freedman. It was the same song. We got out the wedding photos and sure enough one of the guys in the band was Dean Freedman.
Dean was a quasi three hit wonder. He was pretty well known on the East Coast and he finally did some recording with Kiki Dee and others. I haven’t thought of him in years, but I was glad to find his New Jersey based song, “Ariel” on You Tube. So please listen to this song and picture me as a dopey 21 year old kid wearing a paisley tux and photo-sun glasses on August 21st, 1976.
Dean Freedman Ariel
I checked out the song – sweet.
And I have no trouble picturing you as a dopey 21 year old. It’s as easy as remembering myself at that age...
Long 21 year old dopey kids who are now much older and still as dopey. Cheers.
Maybe its cuz i'm from the tri-state area, maybe its the 70's...or that i knew people from jersey... or that I loved The Boss.
i am groovin' on the NJ theme.
I want to see the wedding pictures!
Pretty sure he spells it "Friedman" with an i.
Oh please, tell me it really wasn't paisley LOL! Blast from the past: I remember that Angel's Flight pants were all the rage then, and they even had them in tux's.
Beth, at 21 most are still yoo young to be reasoned with. Silly me.
Auntie, I bet If I make it to 80 I'll think about how dopey I was at 54.
Weese, Thanks, Darlin, just for you I'll run the final Jersey piece soon.
Darev, I gave her everything in the divorce and I'm not asking her for them. Oddly my family back East are still in contact with her often.
Correct you are anonymous spell checker.
Joni, now that you mention it, I may have worn a paisley tux to a prom and my wedding tux may have been powder blue. I'm not asking for the photos to verify though, so feel free to imagine what you wish on this one.
A paisley tux. Ah, the 70s.
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