Monday, April 12, 2010

Stuffing Envelopes Scheme

Beth wanted to know how the enveloping stuffing scheme went.

First you would see and ad in a magazine that said something like, “Make extra cash stuffing envelopes in your spare time. Send a S.A.S.E (self addressed stamped envelope) with $5 cash to the address below for information.”

A couple weeks later your envelope appeared in your mail with an instruction sheet that said, take out an ad in a magazine that says, “Make extra cash stuffing envelopes in your spare time. Send a S.A.S.E (self addressed stamped envelope) with $5 cash to the address below for information.” Change the address to your address. Then you send them a photo copy of these instructions and the money will start rolling in.


Blogger Beth said...

I’d actually envisioned myself stuffing envelopes. How naive can one get? (Don’t answer that.)
Many thanks. I am now crossing this off my potential career options list. ;)

4:21 AM  
Blogger JustRex said...

I had come up with that very idea myself when I was a kid. I broached the idea to my dad who said "You can't do that, it's illegal!"
Dad knew all about computers but not, apparently, much about the finer points of the law.

6:20 AM  
Blogger The Guy Who Writes This said...

That's what they count on, but when you think about it there are machines that stuff envelopes.

Darev, yep you were actually potentially providing a service. I loved it when one ad said $5 and someone in the next ad undercut them at $3.

5:32 AM  

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