
There is a great new monthly get-together on the North Coast for those who have an interest in agriculture. It is called InFarmation and it is a chance for farmers and ag people to meet one another and to see specific presentations on each of our fields with plenty of time for questions and answers.
It’s pretty casual and so far we all meet at 6:00PM for food and conversation and the presentations start at 7PM. This is a movable feast. Each month the location changes from the Blue Scorcher in Astoria and then it meet the following month in Wheeler and then it goes to Cannon Beach and starts again in Astoria. The schedule has been that we meet on the last Thursday of the month.
The Blue Scorcher has been holding Salons for a couple of years now, with agricultural topics such as Draft Horses, with Christopher Patton and Equine Massage therapist, Jessamyn Grace West. Then Caren Black had a presentation on keeping chickens, but the first official designation of InFarmation started two months ago with a presentation by Master Gardner power hitters, Larkin Stentz, Ann Goldeen, Linda Brim and Teresa Retzlaff. It was a presentation on what and how to grow things here in our climate. The July session was on beekeeping with Nehalem beekeeper, Terry Fullan.
Possible future topics include goat keeping, vermiculture, spinning wool, baking bread, barter. I’ll keep the readers here posted on the dates, locations and topics of upcoming talks.
Holy snap, it's like the Whole Earth Catalog done live!
The Blue Screecher also hosts Mink Farm Arsonists, Tree Sitters & Equipment Saboteurs....
Darev, it's a lot of fun meeting other ag folks.
Anon, true they did host the anarchists, but it was more of a free speech thing than a wish list thing. I can understand tree sitting because I don't think every tree needs to be cut, but I do not think the destruction of property is a reasonable reaction, though our government has taught us that how we deal with things on a global scale. Anarchists are too impatient to realize that change is slow. Education and economics makes things change more quickly than destroying property.
InFarmation is all about making things right through education and economics.
I'd say most so-called anarchists aren't anarchists at all. They just want to pick and choose which laws and rules will apply to them. A selfish lot who haven't considered what a society without boundaries would really be like.
Related to your original post, do you know any beekeepers/sellers of honey in the Grants Pass area? I have a cousin down there who I'd like to introduce to locally produced honey rather than the store-bought varieties which often have honey from from other parts of the world.
Rich, Have him contact My Friend John Jacob at
I think He also sells honey on the side and if not one of his neighbors does. He is a short distance from K Falls, Central Point Area.
Excellent. Thanks.
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