
I got an education in treasure hunting on Saturday. My brother has been researching metal detectors for months now and it was time to take the plunge. Normally a do-it-yourselfer, he has always made his own metal detectors in the past. I remember his first one was made with wires clued to a 45RPM record that was attached to a broomstick with a circuit board on the other end. To make it work you had to turn on a transistor radio and the radio would make noises when you got close to metal.
The shop we went to was in a home in an unassuming neighborhood. We figured it was a Mom and Pop operation where they may have had a few models for sale, but when we were lead into a former garage we soon saw the basement of this house had a labyrinth four rooms. Each room was dedicated to a different brand of detector.
We spent most of our time in the White's room. White's metal detectors are made in Oregon and that's what he was shopping for.
I was amazed to see all the features modern metal detectors have. They sell for prices between $179 and $2,000. There were some there that give off different tones depending on what metal it detects. You can select what metals you want to look for and have the detector ignore metals you don't want. These things will show you what's down there and how deep it is. Simply amazing. I just may need to get one for myself. But for now I did get a couple new gold pans.
couple new gold pans???
Jeez. It was just my luck to end up in the one state in this country that has absolutely no gold in it whatsoever. My pans have been just taking up space. Do you find much?
$2,000 for a metal detector? That's an awful lot of buried nickels and dimes.
I have a Whites Coinmaster 4-TR vintage 1975.
I went to a horse arena to clear it of metal abjects with a friend that has one like you pictured.
Sorry to say but the $2000.00 Whites ran circles around my old Coinmaster.
Its another one of those things where you just have to grit your teeth and spend the money once and never regret it.
In the 60s my dad had a Whites Goldmaster 66-TR. We filled 3 coffee cans with coins found at fairgrounds right after each fair.
We were going along one day and there was an outline of sawdust evidently where a consession booth was. LOUD alarm from the dectector, reached in the sawdust and pulled out a roll of quarters.
Tango, yep, one green and one black.
Darev, haven't looked much.
Mark, but if one finds an ounce and a half of gold it is paid in full.
Gearhead, nice to have you back.
The reward of the hunt it a wonderful feeling. It isn't often the value that matters, just the find. I get paid all the time, but my best memories was when I found money.
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