Group Order

Are there any locals out there who are planning to order chickens this year? I'd like to order five or six but one place has a minimum of 15 chicks and another has a minimum of 20. Let me know if you are interested and I'll get an order together and give you more details.
Also, while I have you here, does anyone want to order some hedge poplars? They grow 3 feet a year.
Hedge poplars must be a lot like Lombardy Poplars. We planted some three years ago and they're really tall. Of course, they don't live long.
I just need them long enough for some evergreens to grow in behind them.
I'll trade you a bazillion sprouting maple trees, if you need some. They'll be growing in my gutters this spring.
I'm sure Critter needs more chickens since her last rooster exploded.
My pet chicken lets you order as few as 3. I've already placed my chick order with Ideal Hatchery. I'll have some spares if all you want is a few new layers.
Darev, what sort of maples are they?
Critter, very cool thanks for sharing. Have you gotten off your Bantam kick?
I didn't know there were different kinds of maple trees. I may have to investigate.
There are hundreds of varieties, red leaf, big leaf, vine, Japanese, sugar...
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