Friday, July 07, 2006

Sick Day II

Here are things that make me sick this week:
Telephones, people who insist you listen to some crappy song before you get to ring through to their cell phone, cell phones piss me off, too, you’d think after all these years they would have clearer communications instead of sound like Buzz Armstrong landing on the Moon, “One iant eap for mankind.” Long out-going messages on voicemail or answering machines bug me. I can tell you aren’t there, why go on about it…
People named “Dick”, it makes me shiver when I call someone “Dick” unless they are one, like Richard Lee, I could easily call him Dick. How could they agree to be called that? Credit cards and especially credit card offers in the mail, to which I usually stuff in all back into the postage paid envelope and mail it back to them with a note to remove me from their mailing list. This way “they” have to dispose of the garbage they send me.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

People named “Dick”, it makes me shiver when I call someone “Dick” unless they are one, like Richard Lee, I could easily call him Dick.

Still chuckling....

12:09 PM  
Blogger The Guy Who Writes This said...

And he's still a dick!

1:13 PM  

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