Coming Spring

Though it is still technically winter and we still need to scrape frost from our windshields if we drive before day light; there are signs of spring that rewards our hope. First, the daylight is now good at 7:00am and it is still light out at 6:00pm. Daffodils and crocus bulbs have broken through the soil with beautiful green shoots. The frogs are croaking and chirping on the warmer nights when it rains.
Another heart-warming sign of spring is the number of calves you see as you drive by the local beef and dairy herds. They stick close to their mothers most of the time, but they occasionally run around like bats out of hell.
We sometimes ride our horses past fields of beef cattle. The cows and calves calmly watch and regard us as we pass. The horses like to slow down and regard them as well. There is a natural link there. Cows and horses have been bound to one another for generations. Though neither of our horses have ever worked cows, you can tell there is some sort of primal thought going on where the horses wonder if there is something they should be doing.
I wish I had more property and pasture. I’d love to have a couple cows to balance out my life.
Blue likes to pause and take a good look at the cattle.
I sure hope there's a Jersey calf in my future, like the one you have pictured.
We're a bit behind you here but I heard birds singing yesterday.
(If my brain was functioning at full capacity, I could work with that last sentence of made me smile.)
Donna, Did Secret take?
Beth, Balance makes everything easier.
I know very little about critters, but I do spend alot of time out in the weather. The odd pre-spring weather is hitting us hard and heavy right now. Yesterday morning it was sleeting on me on the way to work, and today is supposed to be almost sixty degrees. That kind of temp changes will probably generate some wild thunderstorms. With all the metal fences those get kind of alarming for us. Tend to do alot of fast scurrying from place to place and alot of duck and cover when it hits. Yikes!
I miss Spring now that you mention it. I remember when I was young growing up living between two farms, one dairy cattle and other beef, that it was great fun to see the new calfs being born. I miss that.
last year when i was in barbados, i stopped at a location to take pictures and there was a herd of cows nearby. they were such lovely, docile creatures (it's the big brown eyes) that i decided to take pics of them.
they were in an enclosed area, designated by a wire & wood fence. as i stood at the perimeter and pointed my camera, one by one they took notice of me and started to walk my way.
now, i've no experience with farm animals, but it was a little surreal, the clanking of their bells and the way they moved toward me, en masse, as if drawn by some kind of magnet. i was honestly a little (just a little) creeped out by the whole thing, and after a few pics, i ran back to the car.
do cows normally approach people? it was quite strange. i wanted to reach out and pet but wasn't sure if i'd get a bite! lol do cows bite?
(pardon my ignorance! haha_
Darev, speaking of wire fences and electricity, maybe we can get Moose to share his story of how he treats his new employees on the first day on the job.
Auntie, pretty cool eh? Unless there is a problem. Also funny how they give birth in the worst weather.
Dalia, Too funny! They came to you because you are human and they are fed by humans. Don't take it personally, but you were a possible meal ticket. They don't bite, but they do slobber. They can also head butt and kick, but that is rare. Now a bull on the other hand...
well it's a good thing they don't EAT humans, 'cause i wouldn't have been much of a meal...
What's the chances...I get my ass operated on today (cosmetic of course) and yesterday, a carving knife takes on a life of its own and decides to fillet my finger. Worse yet...I was cutting up a cooked chicken breast for maxdelab and I think I may have fed him the finger fillet. He has been looking oddly at me ever since...yeah...I gave him the finger. I'm a rat bastard. And I,along with your bovines, do respond to prodding and Guy just wants to me to show the whole world what a rat bastard I, okay.
In my line of work, I use a lot of solar powered portable electric fencing capable of putting out 9000 volts. It won't kill ya cause there is no amperage, but it ain't fun getting zapped. It is however a whole lot of fun seeing somebody else get zapped.
So for all you fellow rat bastards out there that may have a chance to use electric fencing, here is a cool trick I use with the new guys. When you come to the spot where the fence is set up...back your truck up until the truck makes contact with the fence. The truck then becomes electrified. Make sure you recently changed the 12 volt battery to have a full charge. Purrrrfect. Pick a rainy day to do this...wet ground is purrrrrrfect. Then you ask your buddy to get you something from the my case a metal tool in the stake pocket. Purrrrrfect. The look on their faces is truly priceless.
As my Dad and I were out on a drive in the country he asked me a question, why do you suppose most cows we see are usually facing the same way 15 to 20 of them?I hadn't a clue, he did give me reason to wonder, still wondering years later.
Dalia, they may have wondered about your dreads, which I think look lovely, by the way.
Moose, I love you, man!
Anon, Your wondering ends today. They used to think it had to do with wind direction, but now by studying satellite imagery it seems that cows and certain deer families face magnetic North and South. They will stray from the magnetic poles only when there are extreme weather conditions or while moving one place to another. However most grazing is done North to South. Cool, eh?
we just took in 3 bull calves that were going to get a bullet (now they won't get a bullet until butcher time). i guess the calf market really sucks right now.
Ah, the electric fence. Always a subject of hilarity. Just think if they would have been around for vaudeville......
g, I hope you will be gelding them.
Darev, Moose is more fun than Vaudeville.
soon to make their rite of passage to become a steer.
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