The Names of Home

I find it funny how we name things around our place. As you’ve read here recently our chicken coop and pen is called Super Max.
We have a guest bedroom that is the quietest room in the house. It has a small window with dark drapes. It is the perfect place for a nap so we call it the Snooze Hole.
We have three outside doors to our house, but one door is called the Forbidden Door that no one is allowed to enter or exit.
When I built the horse stalls we called them the horses’ offices.
Back when my wife moved in we condensed two homes into one so we rented a storage locker and it didn’t take me long to figure out that I could build a storage shed for the price of four-months rent. My wife said in India a prince built the Taj Mahal for his love. We have since given away all the extra stuff and that shed is now my work shop, but my shop is still known as the Taj Mahal.
Any ideas for the new manure shed?
Of course, if I built it, it wouldn't exactly be straight or square or level and it would have to be called "The Winchester Mystery Shed."
How about:
The Perfume Factory
The manure mansion
The Rotunda (after all, it is full of sh*t)
That's all I got for now. I'll give it some thought.
The obvious would be “The Shit Hole” but I hope you get more creative than that.
In the basement, we have what is referred to as “The Bachelor Pad” and occasionally I venture in – what a pit. But comfortable.
Ye Old Shite Hole
The Office
The Ol' Factory. (get it?)
Shit Shack! (hehe, Auntie's last one is good, it made me giggle)
Steve Forrester's Office
Any ideas for the new manure shed?
Marc Auerbach's skull?
Daily Crap-torian
or the
casa caca.
douche dungeon.
burger king.
sounds like all the good ones are already taken.
I agree with g. I got back too late to claim any of the good ones.
"Guys Crapetorium"
I can make you a sign.
The Flop House
Or Plop House
Grasspoops peehole?
"The Honey House"
OK, I have to tell you that I laughed out loud, (which I rarely ever do) at the name, "Warrenton."
Steve Forrester's Office was a dandy as well, but "The Daily Astorian" may be more fitting.
Flop and plop house is good but would be better suited for cow manure.
Jaggy, that's my pet name for some local eateries.
Donna, I need to reserve Honey House for the real honey house I will be building in the future.
Darev and Heather, I'm trying to keep it a name with local significance. Y'all are going to have to visit sometime.
I'm going to wait a couple more day for those of you that slept on it and then I'll make a decision. Thanks for playing along.
the poop coop
the dunghole
the cacateria
the shite house
the crap shack
smellrose place
the puckery
Sorry Dalia, I think The Daily Astorian won.
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