I Still Want It.

I always find it sad seeing an old tractor or piece of farm equipment rusting in disuse. There are folks like me that would love to have a tractor or a manure spreader. New tractors cost tens of thousands of dollars, but these old machines were built with primitive technology where a back yard mechanic with set of wrenches and perhaps a welding torch could bring a tractor back to life.
I realize that many of the tractors I see are far beyond repair and would cost more than a new modern tractor; yet they still taunt me.
EeeeeeHawwwwwww - Finally got a Swinger. albeit circa 1972 but a Swinger nonetheless. Lovin' it but the damn thing has no brakes. Weren't invented back then I guess....
I always do that when I see old cars mouldering away in a field. I think "I could fix that up and it would be cool!" when actually I know virtually nothing about working on them and have no place or money to do it with. In my mind, I'm Tom Swift. In real life I'm Zero from Beetle Bailey.
It amazes me how those old tractors can be totally rusted with a stuck engine and still be brought back to life. That's what I love about tractor shows, seeing something so old that has been made to work (and sometimes look) like new.
Moose, you stop them by setting your cargo down.
Darev, I gave up on most mechanical things in 1978 when things started getting too damn complicated. I even have trouble switching out head lamps on the truck.
Donna, you and Cliff have a tractor show at your house. How many are you up to now, 4? I wish I could visit. I really appreciate your husbands passion for his hobby.
I love old things. sometimes not because they are useful, but just because they are old.
Guy, we once had ten. Cliff can't stand to just let them sit there, so he sold a bunch of them. We now have: 1 Farmall H, one newer John Deere, 1 1855 Oliver, 1 Super 55 Oliver (which eventually we will sell), and 1 550 Oliver. There's a fairly new Mahindra here, but we're only baby-sitting that one because her owner moved to St. Louis.
I once worked for a guy who still had a crank start tractor as his main machine for daily use. It was a fearsome beast, powerful, loud and could go all damn day, but he got arthritis so bad he finally sold it to a collector and bought a modern one. He also had a combine that was so old most of the cab had rusted away and he's replaced it with old canvas tarp. Got my first heat stroke case driving that combine.
Auntie, you talking about me?
Donna,A fine collection. He should be proud. You, too.
Anon, always remember to bring cold water. That's what they did before they started putting Air Conditioning in them.
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