Invasive Gardening

As kids we all heard the story of Johnny Chapman also known as Johnny apple seed. The legend that has been made up about his is mostly untrue, but it was a terrific legend. In reality he was a nursery man that was fond of barter and the people in the mid west loved him because he brought to them the possibility of making home made alcohol.
Some thirty odd years ago my brother had a fascination with sun flowers. He’d grow them and harvest the seeds. Amazing was how each seed looked totally different from the next. It was as though they had a unique bar coding system.
Eventually we got to the point where we thought it would be a lot of fun to plant sunflowers every where we went. Any open to the public planter or decorative flower garden got seeded. Most got weeded out, but some grew in gardens that were untended.
We were delighted to see them growing in a small bed outside the gate house of a county park. There were other places where they sprouted along roadsides, but we never got the results we were after which was a sun flower infestation in our home town.
I wonder if any of those roadside plants survive today or if all the seeds were poisoned or eaten by birds and chip monks. If any of you are ever in Northern New Jersey and see a sun flower growing in an odd place, please let me know.
Let me write that down so I don't forget the next time I'm in northern Jersey. At least it was sunflowers and not something nasty like zucchini or eggplant or something like that.
Some of your shirt-tail relatives must have been active in Astoria, because wild cucumber grows everywhere in my neighborhood. Constant vigilance is required to keep it in check.
A bad year for sunflowers this year in my garden! I haven't had one bloom yet--are we surprised? On another subject, yet in my mind related, what's your estimate of how your honey crop will be this year? Please let me know when you have some.
Chip Monk? Chip Monk?? Ho boy....
P S I got Zukes and I need your Zuke bread recipe. Is it franchised??
Darev, oh great, you fear even more things from the world of agriculture.
Mark, you live in Astoria? I had you figured as a frequent visitor, living in the valley. Anyway, I'm always surprised how invasive weeds make it to a new area. Most times I find it is not fully composted compost.
JB, it seems in this climate it gets rainy right when the seed heads will be ready and they get ruined. As for the honey,I'll be pulling the honey from the hives today or tomorrow. I'm sure I'll have enough for everyone. Definitely more than last year.
Moose, You can always search the archives by entering a key word in the upper right of the screen. But here it is:
Ditto on a bad year for sunflowers in the garden. We like to bake 'em.
I just use them as bird food, but considering the rat bastards found a gap in the netting around the blueberry garden and ate every blueberry, I'm not worried about feeding them.
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