Australia Does it Again

I hate it when three things converge to make one blog post when each could be an excellent post on it's own merit.
I wanted to do a post on how I love entertainment from Australia. Then I wanted to post about how I stumbled across this Australian musical comedian named Tim Minchin who is a master musician and lyricist. His Dark Side album is excellent.
However, the real heart of this post was inspired by a contemporary someone on Facebook that recently posted photos of a bar band. This bar band was not a bunch of young rockers. They were all apparently all over fifty and they looked pretty ridiculous with their rock hair and clothing. They were better suited for photos of them sleeping in lounge chairs in Boca Ratan. Maybe they were good, but they didn't look good.
I don't mean to be an ageist, but there is a lot to be said for age appropriate style. It's really pathetic seeing someone trying to be 30 years younger than they actually are, just as it is pathetic for someone who tries to make their children look like adults.
As for as old people playing rock, there is probably a reason you are still playing in bars and haven't made the big time. Here is a song by Tim Minchin that illustrates my point.
Rock and Roll Nerd
I loved Rock and Roll Nerd. Had never heard of Tim before but he's made my new list. Of course I went on to watch 'Inflatable You' which made me giggle as well.
One thing I have learned is that some people tend to never grow up, no matter how old they get. I know a few fifty and even sixty year old men who think they are still teenagers and can run the mean streets with the young punks. I'm sure there will be some rude surprises in store for them...
Super! Aussies do have more fun and share it freely, too! Never heard of Tim but loved the videos I watched. Thanks for sharing!
Wolfmother ROCKS!
We need an Auz Fest here one day.
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