How Come?

If you, my dear readers ever wonder why I don't listen to KMUN, or why I don't shop at the Co-Op, or why I don't live in Brownsmead, or why I no longer go to County Commission meetings, or take a Yoga class...well, here's why. My Video Reason
Okay that was deeply disturbing. Are they really allowing that on teevee somewhere?
Oh..that photo takes me back to the Oregon Country Fair in Veneta...I will have to post Mike and I's wedding pix sometime (no, we weren't married there but we did wear tie dye and had flowers in our hair).
On the other hand, the video totally made my skin crawl and gives the era a bad name!
We secretly control the world from Brownsmead. It's invite only to live out here.
We're special.
Your reverse psychology won't work with us. The answer is still no.
Darev, I don't know where it came from. Probably public access cable. Those poor children.
Teri, deservedly so.
g, do they know you live there or are you one of the two tokens they allowed in? I'm actually going to Brownsmead today and I'm keeping the windows rolled up.
Good call on the windows. It's manure spreading season.
Off to yoga!
OMG--I love yoga, but that guy is really creepy!
Just sayin...
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