Angry Bees

Two of the seven hives I worked today were absolutely awful. I've worked hot hives before, but these two hives were relentless. They got really stirred up. I expect this reaction to a lesser extent when I'm pulling honey off the hives. I work as quickly and as gently as possible. The other hives were fine, but these two had bees that just boiled out and hundreds of bees were bumping me and stinging my bee suit. A couple were even able to sting me through the bee suit.
I now have 50 frames of honey stowed away. I left another 50 frames on the hives because they weren't ready to be harvested yet. I am not looking forward to addressing those two hives again. Maybe I pull that honey at night when the bees don't fly.
Yikes. I don't think I could handle that. Yikes again.
Is there a point right before or after sundown when they settle in? And would they still fly if you had a light on? I thought you guys used smoke or something to calm them down. And (heh heh) maybe you should try a different kind of smoke, eh?
There is a point where smoke starts pissing them off.
Ooo.. Gotcha. Ixnay on the okesmay. Check.
you know, I find it awesome that you do this.
It is pretty cool...most of the time.
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