Tying The Knot
A long time ago I wrote about my ms-adventures in knot tying in the article entitled as knots. I am still totally unable and unqualified to tie anything other than my shoes and an occasional neck tie. This is a real shame because I would love to be able to tie knots. I have a reverence for a good knot, be it one that is secure or one that slips. I even admire decorative knots.
There is a certain dexterity missing in me. I am unable to shuffle cards as well. There are a number of other things I probably can’t do, but I don’t go looking for trouble anymore.
One thing that would come in real handy would be learning how to gather and tie off an electrical cord. I usually spool them between my elbow and my thumb, but that’s as far it goes. Some people can do that and then they change direction and spin the cord around the mid section of the wire just like it came from the factory, nice and tight. I tried and can not do it. My way of storing cords must be a way of self knotting them. I’ll put them away and have to spend 10 minutes untangling them before their next use.
I can do a reef knot (the one thing I remember from Girl Guides) and whatever knot is used to tie a boat to a dock. That's it.
And I like that expression, "self knotting." A frequent occurrence around here.
I have the same disorder and I was a Girl Scout. Good thing I didn't need that stupid knot badge. You are not alone.
I learned all my knots years ago, (like the 70's) in a hobby of macrema(SP) it's funny that my scouts know that i don't know the names of knots but can do them. i'm so bad that all my cords in the house are in tidy little bunches.
Beth if you know the knot where the bunny comes out of the hole, runs around the tree then goes back down the hole, thats the bowline. A truly fine,versatile knot. I always have a hard time with the string on the feed bag.
So if I learned anything today, former Girl Scouts (Guides)may be bondage experts...just sayin...
I just half hitch everything.
It gets the job done. I have some interesting variations of the half hitch too.
If you google Lee Valley woodworking tools, they offer a good knot tying book that I got for Christmas one year. I read it front to back but can never remember how to tie them.
Spose it's like anything. Use it or lose it.
I knew we were related! Not a single soul in my bloodline can tie a decent knot or wrap a cord neatly.
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