It's Getting Worse All the Time.

I often wish that there was some consistency in music. I don’t like it when a new act come into the world really strong and gets worse with every effort that follows. Like the first Led Zep album was great, and the next one wasn’t as good and the third was OK and the rest just sucked. Now Plant is singing crap with Allison Krauss flushing both their careers into the toilet.
Bruce Springstein had the same problem. He started strong and now he sounds like a babbling idiot. I saw him on the Daily show this week and now I am ashamed to tell people I’m from New Jersey.
Snoop Dogg has been going down since Doggie Style and that was released back in 93. The only two that gained momentum that I can recall was the Beatles that got better as time went on. The other is Eminem. I know there are still the rap resistant here, but this guy really gets better every day. He started off with stuff that was hip hop street poetry, and now he’s having fun with sound. He can make his voice do incredible things, and thought it is vulgar and has all that stuff that gives rap a bad name, I really love it. Slim Shady is standing up. Oddly his Dr. Dre is responsible for producing a lot of Eminem’s work, but Dre’s own recordings bore me to tears. How can this be?
Does anyone out there have any other suggestions of music that has gotten better over time? I bet you’ll be hard pressed to come up with any.
Johnny Cash, when he came back half-dead and did "The American Recordings". His voice wasn't so great, but there is a spirit in those albums that is haunting. You can tell he knew he wasn't long for this world.
Example: "Hurt"
Some musicians/groups are not at all like a good wine – they do not improve with age.
I do think Oasis continues to produce (some) good music.
The trick is to keep moving on – discovering new musicians to feed and soothe the soul.
Better is such a relative word. I've said all that I can politely say about young Mr. Enema. It's a good thing we all have different tastes or the world would be so bland. But there are some things I could do without. Maybe it's because I'm surrounded by wannabe gansters all day. Maybe I'm just a jerk. I dunno. I'll continue to resist until the day they pull my Jethro Tull CD's from my dead cold hands.
Van Morrison is still good. Different that the vitality he had in his youth, but still good.
And I know I may be in the minority along with you but I HATED the Krauss/Plant duo.
James Taylor.
Steeley Dan.
Thats about it.
James Taylor.
Steeley Dan.
Thats about it.
The worst thing a band that has gone downhill can do ... is try to "revive" an old song from another band. Just because YOU'RE going downhill is no reason to ruin someone else's good music.
And just because a (say) country singer does a remake of a (say) disco song ... it doesn't make that a country song. It's still disco, and doesn't belong on a country station.
Definitely Enigma. Definitely. And I love Annie Lennox more as a solo artist.
The same can be said about most creative types, authors, directors and musicians pour the best they got from birth into the first work. The second is often outtakes. An artist has to have superior standards to keep out doing him/herself. Many do it my estimation but then I thought Zeppelin II was great, Neil Young, Tom Petty, Pink Floyd, Jimi Hendrix, The Rolling Stones, Paul Simon, The Dixie Chicks and Kane West are all artists that refuse to rest on their laurels.
my fave Led Zep album is Physical Graffiti so I gotta disagree.
Others who have improved or stay as good:
Pink Floyd
Neal Young
The Killers
Depeche Mode
Dire Straits
Steely Dan
Hank Williams Junior
Iron Maiden
Janes Addiction
The Eels
Stevie Ray Vaughn
To name a few.
Donna it was sad, but not better.
Beth, Oasis, are they Canadian?
Darev, that's OK, Caveman.
Auntie, he mumbles better.
Gearhead, you mean you didn't vomit when you heard Covers or the SD album that came after Two Against Nature?
Walt, I totally agree.
Kris, I don't know Enigma and for me Lenox reminds me of the 80s.
Anon, I'll agree with Petty and Hendrix.
g,I'll go through your list, sorry but:
U2 Were they ever good?
Pink Floyd eh!
Neal Young was much better when he was angry.
AC/DC for 14 year old white boys.
The Killers never heard of them.
Depeche Mode douche band
Dire Straits They made more than one album?
Steely Dan see comment to Gearhead
Eagles Eh.
Garbage the name says it all.
Hank Williams Junior Was never as good as I or III
Iron Maiden Always sounds the same
GREEN DAY I think they got worse, are they still relevant.
INXS douche band
Janes Addiction They were good for 15 minutes.
The Eels douche band
Stevie Ray Vaughn I'll give you that one.
Actually I don't hate any of these groups, I was just having fun being critical at your expense. I owe you a beer.
Oasis is a British group.
You might like them.
you're still sore about my rap comments.
john mayer.
john legend.
perfume (japanese pop group).
ok go.
fallout boy.
kanye west.
anthony hamilton.
anthony david.
the roots (forgot to give them props in my rap rant).
erykah badu.
christina aguilera.
lol INXS douche band? LMAO!!!
Dalia, Mayer and Aguilera, are you trying to yank my chain.
g, I'm yanking your chain.
The day Bruce Springsteen released Nebraska - and I don't care if anyone thinks it's brilliant - it's a bumbling, mumbling mess - I quit listening to him.
i know. it's a rare occurrence when i take something seriously. irl and in cyberspace.
i'm on to you.
Lori, we are too alike.
g, good, we are still friends.
Genesis, i liked phil collins when he was just a drummer..then he took over and i resisted, but ended up liking his songs, they would just get stuck in my head, over and over and
tired loopy
just no more rap blogs...
i was just sayin'
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