Mens Night Out

Last Wednesday night was the evening that I look forward to every year. This is our annual convention of Mens Night Out. I’ve written about this before. It’s usually a group of seven guys, including myself, that have been friends for years. I am the newcomer to the group having joined their association seventeen years ago.
Most of us used to meet for dinner together in Manzanita every Tuesday night. This went on for years, but anyone of you that have been in Manzanita let’s say ten years ago and return there today you will see that the Manzanita with a personality is no longer there. It has gone the way that many small coastal towns have gone. Its soul has been sold for the quest of tourist dollars. Very little is left of the bones of the charming town that once was.
We met for dinner at the Warren Inn in Tolovanna for lack of any old places to meet in the Cannon Beach area such as the Round Table (not the pizza chain) or the Whaler. There is still a place called Bill’s Tavern; it isn’t Bill’s Tavern anymore. I’d be willing to bet the architectural plans for the new Bill’s Tavern cost more than the former Bill’s Tavern structure, which was basically a big drafty shack that served burgers and beer.
Anyway, we sat and ate and talked for close to three hours. Seven guys, many with gray beards and most with flannel shirts. We are guys that read rather than watch sports. We have a lot to discuss and a lot of stories to tell. I will share some of our topics here over the next whenever. I will close today by stating that it is wonderful to be in the company of good friends even if it is just once a year.
I'm looking forward to the stories told amongst seven guys.
Don't hold back!
And I will tell you again that there is no law against having this "gathering of the guys" more frequently that just once a year. You seem to enjoy it so much, so why not?
Sounds like a great night out, Guy. I would have loved to have been in the next booth over, taking notes. Unfortunately for me, I move around alot so my "old" friends are people I have only known for about five years or so. It makes most of my relationships pretty transitory, but it keeps me guessing where I'll end up next.
In this constantly fluctuating world, it's so nice to hear of a bunch of 'old geezers' who've remained friends for so long and still manage to get together for an annual nite out. Seaside is another town I don't care to go to anymore. It sure isn't the Seaside I used to love to visit whenever we visited our family friends who live in Astoria when I was a little girl. Back then it had such a 'sea side' feel about it. I loved the in-ground trampoline area where we could jump for what seemed like hours for maybe a dime??? That was a loooooooooooong time ago. For our weekend away in the near future, Dear Hubby and I have decided to spend the weekend in Astoria instead of at the coast...we're looking forward to just putzing around and relaxing and spending an hour or two at a coffee shop staring out at the passersby. I might even look up those old family friends if they're still alive. I haven't seen them since my mother died 20 years ago. Shame on me.
Having true, enjoyable friendships for a long period of time is "neat"
And I thought that you guys would be meeting at the Bald Eagle tavern. You know the one I'm talking about? I'm pretty sure it was the Bald Eagle - hard to tell with the comb over from the left ear.
looking forward to the stories.
Is Moe's still around? They use to have the best clam chowder. I too can't wait to hear the stories.
Beth, I better write them down this week before I forget.
Auntie, several of them head up North in April and don't return until November. They migrate like whales.
Darev, there was one extra seat.
Kris, I think the best one for people watching is the Blue
Scorcher which is around 15th and Duane, next the the Ft. George. One visit will erase the years. Keep me posted, if I'm in town I'd love to meet you.
Anon, it is neat!
Moose, Funny you mentioned that. I had the least amount of hair of the bunch. They all had thick mats, like apes.
g, I'll try to get to them this week. I've been on the road and I forgot to bring my laptop.
Nulaanne, Yes there is one in Newport, and I'm sure there is still one in Tolovanna Park south of Cannon Beach, however I actually prefer the Mo's frozen chowder. It's available in grocery stores down here, and I like it better because you can control the thickness. Mo's chowder in the restaurant seems watery to me, though it tastes great.
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