
I do a lot of work with my hands and I always have. I think back to the first time I developed calluses where the base of my fingers meets my palm. I was very young and impressed with myself.
I remember the pride I had when I played guitar as a kid, and I developed calloused fingertips making them impervious to string pain. I’ve also had calloused feet as well. It’s all a part of building up a protective shell around over-used parts.
I find it interesting that some people don’t have calloused asses. How can that be?
What are you talking about??? I have callouses on my ass :) ....and on my clicking finger
Some people, however, ARE callous asses !
I think I'm developing callouses around my brain. And my ears.... and my butt...
If you can get them from a keyboard I could have one, but sadly I don't otherwise.
I like your Auntie's comment.
Linda, thanks!
I wish I really was his Auntie, for then I would relish in pinching his cheeks and pulling him by the ear when he was in trouble. (which is not all that frequently, but if......)
Tango, I stand corrected.
Auntie, and as you've been know to say at inappropriate times, "Some people are just a-holes."
Darev, you have to have one on your brain where you work.
LMC, Nothing to be sad about. Welcome back, by the way. You've been absent. Bad winter down under?
Linda, Auntie has a lot to say now that she has given up blogging.
Auntie, you mean you were talking about me?
of course not, dork-wad! You know I love ya.
i like callouses and their stories. mine are mostly internal...every once in a while we have a showing.
calloused hands are sexy.
Unless they are on your massage therapist.
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