The Bean Field Revisited

Darev mentioned in a reply to a story the other day about going to a map site on the Internet where you can actually drive by and see places. That got me thinking so I went to the site and took a drive by of the house where I grew p and where my mother still lives. I was also able to see the bean field.
The photo above shows me on a tricycle with my eldest brother’s girlfriend. I was five years old and behind me is a portion of the Bean Field. I’ve written often about the Bean Field be it where the Army bivouacked on their way from Fort Dix to Fort Drum, or where the Carnivals landed when they came through town every year and where the local fire departments held their annual turkey shoots.
From the photo above you can get a feel for what the Bean Field looked like and why it was an enchanted land of wonderment for a boy such as myself. The photo below is a satellite image of the Bean Field as it is today. So sad.

I think it was Thomas Wolf that said: "You can't go home again." Too right. I still have a longing to return home in my heart.. back to Oregon, anyway. But I'd like to find a new bean field to play and dream in.
I could so tell that was you, I would know that widow's peak anywhere. And into older ladies even back then. Look, you are even 'leading.' LOL
we moved so much when i was a kid, but i still have fond memories of the place with the creek, where i played with snakes and and a place where i could also play in 80 acres of wheat(with permission) the farmer didn't want to mow me down, but there i had currant berries, concord grapes off the vine, rhubarb eaten fresh.
No doubt that bean field was instrumental in defining the guy we have come to know and love. Progress can be a mean mistress. Speaking of mean mistresses, your brothers girlfriend is HOT.
Darev, we still have them out here, we just no longer have our youth.
Those were my bangs, not a widow's peak. Besides I haven't had that low of a hair line in the last 25 years.
There could have been the Loopy combine incident.
Anon, that was the look in 1960. I believe Lynn died a few years ago. She remained a beautiful woman through her entire life.
cute, even back then! ;-)
Dalia, Honey. I'm loving you, Darlin.
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