Heather Kathleen

Every once a new reader will come here to Rust and comment on some of my posts. This opens my curiosity and compulsion to being a nosy bastard. I have to check out a sample of their writing. Such is the case with Heather Kathleen, who writes the Blog “A Mouthy Irish Woman? Ridiculous." Heather checked out Rust one day after I left a comment on Beth’s blog. I’m sure we share a lot of common history since we are both in recovery from attending Catholic school.
Anyway, I barn stormed her blog and her archives and found lots of poetry and most of you know my regard for all things poetic, but I kept searching and I found a lot of openness and honesty and humor within her pros. One piece in particular got me laughing my ass off and those of you that know me personally know that I don’t have an ass. Well, whatever was left of my former ass has now been totally laughed away.
The piece that got me was a dialogue Heather Kathleen was having with her vagina. Please check it out. It’s too funny:
Vagina Dialogues
oddly enough? i have no ass either. boobs. but no ass. makes for a lot of balance issues. a lot of falling down.
you realize, of course, this means i will delve as well. being a nosy bitch and all.
yeah. it's like that. :)
Isn't she wonderful? A blogging treasure - a mixture of the serious & the humorous - all wrapped up with a wonderful gift with words.
(mouthy - if you read this comment, don't let it go to your head...)
Gotta loves them Irish dames. But only from a distance.
hmmmm, I'm about due for that talk. It's bad when the battery operated drill is no longer your favorite handtool.
Irish, fair is fair.
Beth, thanks for sending a literary one my way. I bet she makes you blush...
Darev, your sister included.
Tango, (Please swallow your tea before reading) you may want to start thinking of a palm nailer, or a rotary hammer. If all else fails try the sawsall.
Oh shit
Tango, you should know better than to leave yourself open with a comment like that around me.
Power tools.. to make like easy....
Power tools.. to make life fun...
-Tony Carey
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