The Savanna

I find it interesting when people find their environment. There are certain places where we feel comfortable and certain places where we don’t feel at ease at all.
I’ve known swamp people before. Somehow they love swamps. There are people that can live on the ocean. Some prefer warmer or colder climates. Some like arid climates.
I know that some in the woh-woh-circuit will say it has to do with past lives we’ve lived. Some will say it’s our lizard brains at work.
I once met a physical therapist that said she felt that people needed to get back to their savanna life style; meaning that it is totally unnatural to drive in a car for hours or sit in front of a computer for a living. It was an interesting concept though not all people came from the savanna in their ancestry.
I am personally drawn to the forest. I lived in a forest until all my trees blew down. Now I will have to live on the savanna until the trees grow back. I have to say I’m having somewhat a hard time coping with all the open space. I will continue planting trees when the rains return and hopefully get my forest back in my lifetime.
I think I would be at home more in a forest than anywhere else. Gimme a forest with a stream running through it and I'll be happy. As long as there are no cornfields. Hate cornfields. Nothing good ever happens in a cornfield and scary crap lives in there. brrrr.....
That's an interesting thought. I'm currently trying to figure out where I want to be. On my giant road trip I found myself drawn to places with wide open views. Might be the photographer in me, but I feel hemmed in by lots of trees. I want to be able to see what's going on over there ---->
Currently I'm living with an oak forest out back. 40 years ago the same trees were much smaller and less imposing. Now they shade out the whole morning and plants which used to grow happily in the sun are suffering. One oak branch is so low now that I can reach up and touch it without jumping. The peonies which used to thrive become covered with powdery mildew by mid summer. Tomatoes do OK, but lack the bumper crops of old.
I like forests, mind you, I just don't think I want to live in one. Just as I like mountains, but can't see myself living on the edge of one.
On the other hand, I can't stand heat. And especially not heat coupled with humidity, which this place is cursed with. I couldn't believe what a shock it was when I flew back to this area one summer after being in a hot, arid climate for a while. Coming out of the airport was like stepping into a steaming bowl of soup.
Anyway, I think I understand the savannah attraction. Now if only I could find one that stayed at 68º year-round.
I live in the most beautiful place. I can't imagine living anywhere else. When my husband and I moved our family to our current location, we had no idea that we had moved so close to my ancestors original homestead. They were the original founders of that "town", just the other side of the hill from where I live now. I didn't find this out until my Aunt came to visit. She took us to the cemetery, where we found relatives buried, and to look for the location of the original family house. My great great grandfather was Clatsop County's first school Superintendent in the 1880's. He would have had to walk right past my house to get to some of the local school houses. My great grand father was a teacher, along w/ many other family members in the area. They also owned the store/post office, it closed in 1963. The house is gone, along w/ all of the original "town"...the town has since moved closer to the highway. It was very interesting to know that I am... where they were. It's good to be home :)
PS. We have great hay :)
where i want to be is where i go on vacation. i need to keep it that way!
here's a good read about your environment:
Darev, I'm with you on this one. BTW thanks for the idea for a post I'll be doing next week.
Rich, I don't know how anyone could put themselves through the heat and humidity that most of this country lives through every summer. I feel for you, man.
Ginger, it is sad there's no town up there any more. I guess the school is the focal point there now. BTW Our friend was able to spare 50 more bales which will last me until the hay is ready this summer.
g, Maybe it's time you got a motor home. The article left out forests and swamps.
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