Last Words and Rocks In My Head

Sometimes I have to wonder why anyone would ever want to have an email discussion with me. I recently helped our friend Darev with a technical issue and this is the conversation that ensued.
Darev: That works. Cool. You Rock
Me: Sometimes I rock and sometimes I stone.
Darev: Just as long as nobody is taking you for granite...... hee hee hee!
Me: You are igneous.
Darev: Now you're just giving me shist. I didn't expect that kind of sediment from you....You realize we could be at this for days, don't you?
Me: I can only sand so much. I'll remove it from my slate.
Darev: Ok, you win. You ground me down. I gravel before your genius. And I have to go to work.
Me: Rock on!
Oh my goodness, on the Tractor Tales message board sometimes a group of the guys will take off doing this; I've seen it take up a whole page!
It was rather abyssal, wasn't it? It was my own dumb asphalt for getting into that. I don't know what magma do it.
Good thing I had to go to work, eh?
*sigh* I <3 Rev.
Alluvial better in the morning!
Exchanges like this drive me to bassalt & battery.
I lava discussion like this. Makes me want to scree for joy.
Gotta go, it's Halloween and almost time for the Great Pumice to arrive.
You guys are great! Thanks for the chuckle.
Orange you glad I didn't say banana?
Reminds me of the word game on the Red Green Show...
Love that Red Green. I wrote about him here sometime last year.
I love this conversation! Of course, I love just about anything having to do with words (even curse words…).
Well done!
clever! i likes! add another check to the list of things i lurve about yoU! :-)
Beth I just saw a film about crossword puzzles you would love. It was called Word Play.
Dalia, you always know how to melt me...
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