Returining in Good Order

Anytime I return home after being some distance away the same thought comes to my mind just as my home comes into sight. I think to myself, “ Good, the house is still there.” Then I think the same when I drive closer and see the horses, “Good, the horses are still there. This doesn’t occur when I return from town or other short trips; just when I return from a road trip.
We all know of stories where people returned from a trip to find their home burned to the ground or that their animals have died or escaped.
We recently returned from a jaunt to Portland and as those thoughts came into my mind, my wife actually spoke them. I guess it’s a universal fear and relief.
Yes, I think it's universal. Of course those of us who are believers in a deity have somebody to thank that everything's intact.
Donna, Do you get to blame your deity if it isn't?
Definitely universal. I just have to be somewhere in the neighbourhood and if I happen to hear a police or fire truck siren blaring, my first thought is that my house is either on fire or being robbed. The ever-optimist.
Guy, I think some people do; I personally do not.
To "ReTurin". Is that when you don't get the shroud that you wanted and turn it back in for another?
Rolls his eyes at Auntie once again. That's all part of my whole travel anxiety thing. Not only do I get paranoid about getting there I get the same way about getting back. Awful, innit?
I don't worry half as much about the house still standing as much as I hope the dogs haven't torn up the house.
Beth, it even stranger when you do go home and they "are" at your house.
Donna, it only fair to make that go both ways after all look what he did to Job, rat bastard...
Auntie, Ememenespha said, "To go is to return."
Darev, it's an endless cycle and to top it off you get to worry about death.
Amy, there is a solution to that...
Gee, and I thought I was the only one...nice to be surrounded by like minds...
We are one big sick club.
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