Monday, July 30, 2007


A while back I was involved in this group camp-out. I’ll admit, I’m not big on camping and never have been. It’s just such an effort to drag all this crap from home, and what a disaster if you forget something.

This aside, I adjusted rather well. I brought enough dry wood to last a couple days. I’m a fire fan. We have a fire pit behind our house and we often have people over for a fire and a conversation. It was like being at home once I got the fire going.

There is an interesting thing about a camp fire; even though they may burn brightly you can always still see the stars. It’s enjoyable being warmed while gazing at light that has been traveling for eons just to be seen by my eyes.

Oddly the others who were at this group camp-out were professionals at it. They brought along all sorts of stuff to keep themselves entertained through the night. They had games and music and bright lights and all the latest stuff from the Campmor catalog. I couldn’t believe that they didn’t come there to enjoy the quiet. I mean, what is the point of being out in a quasi natural environment? Like every day life isn't noisy enough.

Next time I think I’ll go a little further out.


Blogger Me. Here. Right now. said...

Camping with my uncle and family consisted of a decked out camper, television, bicycles, and everything else they could jam in the camper. Then, they parked right next to 10,000 other people who were doing the same thing. Made no sense.

6:10 AM  
Blogger Beth said...

Those weren't professional campers - they were amateurs, dis-placed city folk...
Real campers enjoy fires, mosquitoes, no bathroom facilities, bears and quiet.

8:29 AM  
Blogger Donna. W said...

The fire is the BEST part of a campout. That's why, when I'm staying at my cabin, there's a campfire going. No matter how hot it is outside!

11:17 AM  
Blogger Mike S said...

Guy, we're both pretty slowed down by disabilities, but we still manage a 1-2 day summer campout most summers. We tote in all the necessities to a primitive campsite with no folks there, most here only have room for 6 folks at most. The needed stuff is 2 all-weather sleeping bags, trail mix, camp cooking kit, a bit of water(plenty good stuff available everywhere), dehydrated food packs, no-fail matches, flashlight, and a change of clothes, insulin/needles/etc, meds. Campfire is a must if fire danger's low. That's it. Just us, critters, and quiet. I also carry a Glock 9mm, not to shoot at anything as much as to scare off nosy hungry bears. Haven't needed it yet.

3:26 PM  
Blogger The Guy Who Writes This said...

Mike, you've got it right as long as you can keep that insulin cool enough.

Donna, it never gets too warm here.

Beth, can't do without those bears.

Lori, that's KOA aka Kamping On Asphalt.

4:54 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Geez Guy, I figured you were not the camping type since the food would be more suspect than potluck food.

8:07 PM  
Blogger The Guy Who Writes This said...

Actually food isn't as bad as one might think. Some meals I prepared in advance and put them in zip lock bags, then place them in a pot of boiling water. This works well with Italian or Mexican food. Then there was stuff I cooked over the fire coals, and I'd make ableskevers in a cast iron monka pan in the mornings. It doesn't beet room service in a five star hotel, but sometime one must make sacrifices.

9:59 PM  
Blogger Mike S said...

It's okay for 28 days at room temp, and it's rarely warm here in the mountainous part of a cool state (temp-wise).

11:13 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

And the recipe for ableskevers?? LOL

Ahhh...camping...memories of weavingly winding out of Tijuana late in the evening, dodging the bodies dumped on the road to find a place to pitch a pup tent. Finally found a spot with some stakes already in the ground to tie down securely.

Turns out, the stakes were crosses of some memorial or grotto. The locals were not impressed...

4:34 AM  

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