Five Fewer

Back in August when I got 26 baby chicks I had no idea they would all survive. It’s unheard of, but having them inside the Super Max has kept them all safe from harm. Though they do free range every day nothing as of yet has preyed on them.
Now those 26 chicks are all fully grown and should start laying by the end of the month. The coop was cramped with chickens at night taking up every inch of the 15 feet of perching posts I have for them. I wondered how I was going to deal with the potential of two-dozen eggs a day. It was time to sell some hens, and luckily I knew of someone looking for some.
I parted with one of each breed, so now I have four of each variety and Blue, the rooster. I still have too many chickens, but the 20% reduction in the flock will save me a lot of trouble and food expenses. I’m thinking the eggs will start coming at the end of the month after the solstice. I’m taking orders.
I didn't figure they'd start laying until sometime in February.
I wish we lived closer. I'd be queuing for eggs with everyone else. If you'd add pigs and a french toast tree we could have breakfast every morning!
I'm in for 2 or 3 dozen Guy and I live close
It's a shame I'm so far away. We go through a ridiculous amount of eggs every least one and a half to two dozen. (....we're going to die from cholesterol. Oh well.)
I don’t suppose it would be practical to send me some of those eggs? ;)
Donna, 20-24 weeks and they were hatched on August 4.
Darev, if your job goes south you could return. Just sayin.
Astoriadude, 2 or 3 dozen a week? Let's talk.
Amy, that's not bad with five people and all the baking you do.
Beth, so, but if I ever venture your way I'll bring you some.
My fearsome 4 who I sprouted back in June laid their first GREEN eggs last week!!
All you need is ham. Sounds like a Beatles song.
Since I am trying to only buy eggs from happy hens, let me know what you have and how much and we'll make the swap--money for happy eggs.
I'll keep you posted.
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