May 10

Today is the 5 year anniversary of Astoria Rust. It is at this point where I'm taking some inventory on the 1887 articles I've posted here over the last half decade. So many things have changed over the last five years. I like to think I've matured, though I'm sure we all like to think that.
I wrote this post about a month ago and at that time I had the full intention of ending the blog today. The point is I have already written my best stories. I got them out there and I no longer have to keep them confined to my mind.
Yokio Mishima believed that it is better for him to enter his heaven as a young, strong good looking man where he believed he would retain his good looks forever. I feel this way about this blog.
It's just like flipping through the TV channels and seeing that Grey's Anatomy and Desperate Housewives is still in production. You have to ask yourself "what's up with that?" These shows should have ended years ago.
I'd rather be like a show that left with some dignity like Twin Peaks, The Sopranos and Battlestar Galactica. We could have used some more content but we can now imagine how things would go on.
I spent the day Saturday at a beekeeping workshop, and like always a few thoughts came to mind that told me that this or that situation could be turned into a blog post. Oddly the ideas are still coming; though much slower.
I've decided that I am going to retire this blog eventually, but as of today I'm going into semi retirement. I'll write only when I feel like it.
What do I plan to do with all my spare time? Live, listen to Sufjan Stevens, write other things elsewhere, spend less time on the computer.
Thanks for reading and for all the comments in the past. Special thanks to all those who have been with me from the start.
There, I've almost run out of things to say. Lovies!