Maybe you are rather new to this blog and you don’t have time to read all the crap I write and have stored in my archives. Articles have been flowing in nearly every day since May. To help you feel like you have any working knowledge of this blog I will try to get you caught up with some of the language, definitions, history and rules here. OK, let’s go!
Birks are Birkenstocks, which I wear when I’m not wearing muck boots. I can’t tie a knot to save my life. I don’t have an ass, it’s flat like an old white man ass. Don’t ever ask me to say grace. Don’t ever invite me to a pot luck. Sick days are not days where I stay home and vomit. These are days, usually once per month when I sound off about things that make me sick, or piss me off. Clatsop County is known as Dried Salmon County here. Anything with “Clatsop” in its name gets changed to “Dried Salmon.”
I never used to post on Sundays unless I was really pissed off by someone or something. My stats show that I have more visitors on Sunday than Saturday, so I try not to disappoint people who surf over on the weekends. Sunday is also a day of Contrition when I post my errs and apologies for the preceding week. If I have nothing to confess you get to read a regular article.
Do not like Warrenton, Cannon Beach or Gearhart. I don’t like Seaside either, but I do respect it. I feel sorry for Hammond. I am indifferent about Jewell. I like Astoria, and Brownsmead, and I don’t know how I feel about Knappa/Svenson…my opinion on them changes daily.
I don’t like garbage, waste and plastic and I vigorously promote recycling. I am very into natural agriculture and knowing from where my food comes. I dislike most of Corporate America, and Lars Larson. I don’t like clothing that advertises products. I can’t stand dogs at the Sunday Market. I love music and art, but am very critical of musicians and artists. The Untied Way is evil.
I love the County and State Fair. I hate telephones and love cup cakes. I love BLTs and trains. I am nostalgic, but I don’t fear the future. I can’t stand harmonicas, and at times I have a dirty mouth. I most definitely have a vulgar mind. My eye sight is going and I hate the diamond industry. Use of the phrase, "Rat Bastards!" must be immediately followed with the prases, "Dirty Rat Bastards!", "All of them!"
As for those who comment on the blog:
I do not normally delete comments. I have deleted a few unintentionally. I did delete a comment by Gearhead once, and now he deletes his own inflammatory comments before he posts them, but blames me, your humble narrator and blog administrator, by including "my" deletion text in his message. Believe it or not, Gearhead is a very dear friend and devils advocate. He really isn’t an asshole in real life. We are in the same type of agricultural business and he is highly respected expert and leader in his field.
Thartill has a local political blog
North Coast Oregon A lot of it is way over my head due to my short political attention span, along with my bouts of lethargic apathy over the things that lead up to a vote. I have to give him credit for not being a douche bag like most political blog hosts. Yes he has passion, yet he isn't a douche bag, go figure...
Moosehead and
Boo7 are Canadians. Please be gentle with Boo7, she’s a sweet heart, but feel free to mess with Moosehead; he has a French lower half. I’m not going to explain that one. You’ll have to ask him. Most people who reply have very interesting blogs of their own, so please check them out.
Carrie and
Mel come to mind as two very talented Oregon bloggers. Then there are all the kids up in Seattle. Dang, I will get to all of you in the future.
Blog Rules:
1. If you call me an asshole you have to type LOL right after the word.
2. No one gets to pick on
Syd, ever. If you want to do that you have to do it at her blog, but be prepared to have 30 people kick your ass all over the internet. You will be left sitting in your house with the lights off like a Jehovah’s Witness on Halloween.
OK, you're pretty much caught up now, so let's move ahead.