The article I posted here on Sunday about the Fair brought out some passion from the readers. I also got an email from a member of the Fair Board inviting me for a chat, so I took some time earlier this week to visit with him. We talked about how important the Fair is to our community and how ideas for improvement are bounced around and tried. There may be a future open house where people can see what is really going on at the Fair Grounds and get a chance to speak with the Board members without attending a Fair Board meeting.
The fair is on good financial feet at least for the next two years. The Fair actually makes some money. With the assistance of lottery funds. But there is room for improvement when it comes to attendance.
The music offerings this year were spectacular, and it was promoted on the local contemporary rock station, as opposed to having only Country music and promoting it on the Country station.
A funny aside, someone asked me which band was on the stage at one point, and I saw Spud up there playing and I came back stating that I really didn’t know because Spud plays in all the local groups so it’s hard to tell.
Anyway, I told the Board member I spoke with that I’d solicit ideas from the readers here. Below are some ideas from the last post. And if you’re reading from elsewhere in the country, what works at your local County Fairs?
1. Promote as a place to catch up with friends you only ever run into at the Fair.
2. Ice Rink
3. Free Parking / Shuttle buses
4. Partner with Port and try to schedule a cruise ship during Fair time.
5. Survey what people would like (and I’ll add do it on line and have a prize for the three best suggestions)
6. Have a Gladiator spectacle show, ( a pro wrestling show may do it or a professional martial arts show)
7. A Roller Rink
8. Spelling Bee
9. Large produce competition
10. How about the local chorale, symphony and brass ensembles? What about local school bands.
11. How about the local schools showing off the good things they do.
To me local community involvement. The County should have a booth where people can meet the Commissioners, and other County leaders. Any other suggestions out there?
Labels: Clatsop County Fair