It's been a while since I've done a political post, so bear with me. Last year the voters in our county decided to go in a complete opposite direction and replaced most conservatives in office with progressives. The sky was falling and some think it still is. Someone always thinks the sky is falling.
Last week the majority of the new County Commissioners decided to terminate all the people that served on the planning commission and make everyone reapply for their volunteer positions. This is a blatant way of cleaning out the appointees from the previous commissioners, and most people around here think that's bad, but I am starting to see some wisdom in it.
I've been blogging here for years about how over developed our little paradise is becoming and I think this present County Commission has the ability to stop all development dead in it's tracks and I hope they can. Whoreington is starting to look like Beaverton By the Sea.
I know some of the Commissioners read this blog, and the ones that don't have their flying monkeys read it to them, so here are some suggestions for you to consider as you attempt to put the breaks on development:
1. No more commercial buildings over 4000 square feet. The only buildings that need to be larger than that are schools, hospitals and agricultural buildings such as dairies. (That last one was for you, Dirk)
2. No houses may be built larger than 2500 square feet.
3. No company can build another building to move into until they have a buyer for their former building (eg. the old Costco Building).
4. Franchise companies wishing to move here must put up a bond with a 25 year commitment to serve our community and any buildings built must be occupied for 25 years. (Again the example is the old Costco building)
5. No new houses may be built until there is 100% occupancy of those homes presently available on the market.
6. Structures unoccupied for over one year must be torn down and the land must be restored to natural habitat.
So let's face it. Clatsop County is never going to be the economic powerhouse that others have imagined. It has been on the verge of being the next San Francisco since 1850 and it's time to give up that dream. Let's get smaller. Let's become unique. Let it go.