Open House at the Fair

Upon the urging of everyone, I attended the Open House at the Fair Grounds on Wednesday. This was the first open house in memory and though it was publicized the optimistic 168 chairs that were set out only 15 seats were filled, five of which were filled by Board members. That’s right, ten people came, of which three were children. No one was there from the media. No one was there from County Government. It would have been nice to see a commissioner or a candidate present.
What the open house was all about was support. Gary did a slide presentation of what the money from the tax levy was used for and I was impressed with the tide gate installation which will one day dry out the lower field so it can be used more than two months a year. He made improvements to buildings, built a new arena and also got modular removable flooring for the big arena. This is good because years ago there was mention of putting down a permanent hard surface in the big arena which would not have been good at all.
Gary wanted everyone to spread the word about extending the tax levy, Ballot Measure 4-148 . This time around they are asking for less money. Last time it cost the tax payers $9 per 100k in assessed value. This time is will cost only $7 per 100k in assessed value. They are working toward self sufficiency buy attracting more events as they add infrastructure. They plan on adding some meeting rooms for smaller events. Basically they covered all my concerns except the rental price, but that looks like it is par to the industry standards.
I was generally pleased with what I saw on Wednesday. My only displeasure was that it was so poorly attended. Also, they are appealing for volunteers to help with the up-coming rodeo in May. If you have some time to spare on Friday or Saturday, May 21 and/ or 22 let me know and I’ll hook you up with who to contact.