The Gloom is Gone fo the Moment

The rain has finally ended for now. I know I've said often that I moved here for the gloom, but lately there has been more than enough gloom to go around. I was able to work outside a bit today. I let the horses out onto the frozen pasture where they were able to behave like horses, running, kicking up their heels and rolling instead of standing around watching it rain.
I have lots of plans for the next few days of cold dry weather. I have a massive pile of brush to burn, do some fencing for a new pasture, plant some trees and I need to clean out the greenhouse. Hopefully a gardener friend is going to come for a couple loads of manure. I'm running out of manure storage space. It just doesn't cook down like it does in the summer.
I'm even planning to do some laundry and hang it on the line to dry. The East wind should do the trick even though the days are short at this latitude. They may even be freeze dried.