My Predictions for 2010

As I look into my crystal ball I can see the future of many of those that replied to my blog posts over the last year. Here goes:
Ann Samuelson will start a line of inspirational self-help books and motivational posters.
Dalia will find the perfect winter boots in May.
Auntie will build a still out in the garden shed and make blackberry alcohol.
Mo3 will get sick of dogs and put them all up for adoption.
Darev will become a prison shop teacher.
Joni will let me know when the Bradwood Landing cigarette lighters are ready for the SWAG bag.
Tango will be thankful she never got involved with PT Cruisers because Tattoos are a bitch to remove.
Meadowlark will re-enlist in the Marines as the Captain of the bakery.
Donna will get a show on RFD-TV.
Critter will adopt a cougar that wants to eat her husband’s head.
Jaggy will convert to traditional Mormonism and she'll live a life of polygamy, except she will have three husbands and no sister wives.
Blue Mamba will get married if she ever stops driving the loop long enough to receive a proposal.
Heather will finish watching Bliss and finish reading that other book.
Syd will have her sister committed and take custody of TLF.
RichPix will move back to Astoria and become the staff photographer for Bradwood Landing.
Jeff will donate his ugly boots to a charity auction and buy them back for $1.55.
Trop will buy a share in a NASCAR racer. She will own a 10k steering wheel.
CB will get a rubber suit so she can bounce back up the next time she falls or gets tossed out of a meeting.
Beth will go to back to school and learn the trade of pest exterminator and a she'll get a degree in home repair.
g will get the contract to build the Walmart in Warrenton and the Daily Astorian will begin smearing him again because Walmart doesn’t do any print ads.
Lori Hahn will move to Astoria and date people Auntie and I advise her not to.
Amy will move to the UK and will sadly miss Texas after only two weeks.
Weese will move to Long Island, grow big hair and buy a Jaguar.
Moose will become famous for drinking binges, playing practical jokes on everyone and messing with women from South America...Oh wait, he already does all of those things. I suppose he will continue doing all that again this year.